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Give up Control

44 commentaires

Deborah Tuck

I had to relinquish the need to control everything in my life.
As the eldest daughter/child I’ve been the natural leader in my family. Coming to the realization that I don’t have to handle everything. This recent move showed me that I must trust others to exercise their gift… togetherness is the way to go

Danielle Curry

Usually when I feel out of control I take some time to myself in my favorite place: the beach. That gives me to reset: organizing my thoughts and prioritizing my to-dos. Delegate what you can and tackle the rest according to its priority. Above all, give yourself grace. Hope this helps. ❤️

Tracie Gray

I do have a problem with giving up control. I need to touch every aspect of every task. My husband and kids stop me in my tracks before I get to out of control. It keeps my focused on what I can accomplish now.

CT Ball

Oh, definitely Mrs. Scorpio Jones, this Virgo has control issues. Currently spinning in place with a total master bedroom, wall busted out, remodel in order to accommodate my husbands permanent (So the devil say) wheelchair. Angry at it all and ready to fight and or tell off any and everyone who’s incompetence (lol Virgo again) cant keep up. But God!! Still the blessing flow and the new beginnings, however challenging they maybe, are proving to do just what God intended. By way of grace and chances, grow me more and position me to catch the new blessings that continuously fall on me. Stay blessed and rising my sister and I’ll see you at the top.
Sincerely Toni Ball, aka Quiteballzy😏

Edith Hart

Sometimes when I don’t have control I just cry 😢 then I suck it up and come up with another solution.

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