What I’m loving right now...

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  • I’m enjoying every minute of planning and putting together my up and coming wedding this July 29,2023 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

    Tara F Badger le
  • I’m my season of “Elevating My Standards!” The Standard of Holiness… Enjoying The Life God Has So Graciously Given To Me.

    Brenda McDonald le
  • I am loving the freedom and peace that comes when trusting God! I am grateful for fun and loving relationships with family and friends, and the opportunities to meet new people. I am excited about seeing things coming together for our kickoff screening of “The Right to Read” film. I am loving my first purchase from Sassy Jones, and looking forward to wearing it next month! (smiling)

    Queen G le
  • I enjoy my peace and my relationship with God. I enjoy being my true and authentic self with style. I enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee, a nice cup of tea and flowers. 💕

    Diana Lynch le
  • I’m loving all my long time friends and introducing them to Sassy way of life. I love to make my family and friends smile.It’s such a blessing to me.

    Judy le
  • OMG your 8 year old has ripped arms already! Awesome!
    I’m loving planning this Amtrak trip to NOLA for me and my three sisters. We’ve never been on a sisters trip so this is gonna be FUN! I’m loving having money from payday to payday even after helping my grown children with emergencies that pop up.

    Donna Harvey le
  • I’m just enjoying “BEING”. In between jobs and taking some time for me…I haven’t really seen that girl in a while….❤️

    Tierney le
  • I am enjoying raising my teenage son as a single parent and excited about what life holds for us both! He is such a wonderful and loving boy and help keeps me grounded. I’m loving that I can experience the joys of life and I am not letting nothing distrub my spirit and peace!

    Joy le
  • I am enjoying, my peace. I have been cleaning and organizing my home; mainly my Sassy Jones inventory. I am able to see the things that I have. I am able to locate things easier and quicker, giving me peace✌️

    Anonymous le
  • I’m enjoying most everything. Years ago I was given a diagnosis. Fast forward my daughter has the same thing.
    I’m enjoying as much as I can. Enjoying Traveling. Reading books by friends who are authors.
    All of you scarves.

    Nancy le

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