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Energy Budgeting

58 commentaires

Marcia Perdue

I can certainly relate. I learned later in life that you can’t pour from an empty vessel. You have to eliminate the things that deplete your energy and focus on those things and people who add value to your life and not feel guilty about making those decisions.


Well said. We has women are powerful. We can carry a career, a family and any other thing that is thrown at us. But, we forget about ourselves. When God says that’s enough its hard to stop operating in our microwave mode. We have to learn, with a lot of prayer how to become the woman of God He called us to be. Be encouraged, through our strength we can learn how to love ourselves again.

Valerie Matthews

Sweetie, first of all I’m 74 years old. I have been retired since 2012. I’m a Sagittarian and we love people but I have learned over the years not to be a people-pleaser. I know what I can do and I know what I will not do. I know how to say no! Learning to say no was hard in the beginning but at my age now it is so easy. They call me the caregiver because I seem to take care of everybody with the exception of myself. However, that has changed. I have become kind of selfish. Selfish in a way of thinking about myself first. If I’m tired in the morning I just roll back over and go back to sleep. If I don’t want to do anything then I don’t. It’s like they say when you get older you do what you want to do you say what you want to say. I’m thankful that I have God in my life and I don’t worry about anything. Coming up I started working at the age of 12 and continued to work and go to school and earn a degree and several certifications. Now is my time. I’ve raised three children, three grandchildren, was a caregiver to my sister who had dementia for 5 years. Take care of yourself no matter what. Doing all that you do can take a toll on your health if you’re not careful. So take time for yourself. And always remember if you’re not there someone else will be there to do it for you. When you’re not around someone will be found to be your substitute. So enjoy yourself.


I can definitely relate. I was delivered about 2 years ago when God told me I was not created to be a “people pleaser”. It’s been a real eye opener watching “the people” catch up with my newfound deliverance.

Rosetta James

Hi Friend Girl , it’s okay to vent among other ICONIC sisters who share in your resilience and determination to remain steadfast and unmovable. There are several passages that are at the forefront of my mind: “I Can Do All Things through Christ who strengthen me” "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the

power that works in us." " I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Sassy, He [God] gives us the desires of our heart. There is nothing impossible to those who Believe! Don’t allow this temporary setback or reset be a distraction to the plans in motion for continued Success!!!The words of Nehemiah " I won’t come down"…he was on a mission for rebuilding the Wall. Let the Spirit of God breathe on you and feel His presence. Love You, my sister. Remember, the ICONIC Woman you are and don’t lose faith. Much Success to you and your family. Prayers of agreement going up…R James rjgdine@gmail.com

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