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Energy Budgeting

58 commentaires

Kelly Lester

Charis, I’ve been there and some days I’m still there. We as women tend to take care of everyone except ourselves. There are times we forget about us. I’m learning to do me and don’t care what others think.

I’ve been a good single mother of one and now taking care of her (27) and my granddaughter (7). I want to run away at times.

I’m learning to say no and put me first. It’s hard sometimes, but it’s getting better. I owe you and your team for making me feel special. Something I haven’t felt. At 58 almost 59 years old I feel beautiful and I’m a Queen Unicorn. Thank you for who you are and may God continue to bless you, your family and the Sassy Jones family. 😘😘😘😘


I too have been depleted of energy that is much needed and could have been utilized elsewhere. I found that the higher, the broader, and more grounded you get the more negativity try to get upon on you like a heavy cloak in the summer. (You know definitely something not right).

I say to you Charis. Pen the confirmations, affirmations, and encouraging words, thoughts, and ideas that moved you through to get to your new realm, dimension or levels.

Get a new stack of cards-name them “The Prosperous Journey…I made it!” Charis!!!!!!!! Baby, people want your problems…somebody out there peeking trying to get your type of problems. YOU REGAL UNICORN…..YOU DEFINITELY GOT THIS WITH THE POWER OF GOD! Love you & remain encouraged!

Rebecca Loving-Young

Whew…Chile, I OVERSTAND this one. I’m approaching 40 in Jan and I can’t tell you how much I related to this letter. I am so very proud hat you recognized it and made the pivot. What I have learned is that when we people please, we don’t leave room for God to fix and heal what is going in there own lives. We are truly in the way which is why we are so tired. In stead of allowing others to cope, build, climb on there own journey, we try to help and fix things(some with good intentions and sometimes because we know if none does it, it won’t get done( and end up getting hit with the lessons and energy that were not meant for us. Why? because we are blocking them by helping. Thank God I have been able to discern and listen when God says: That’s not your job. I am wishing you much more powerful awareness in the future. Be unapologetically you.


I absolutely relate and I have started me think about creating an environment that nourishes me – it’s not easy but imperative for overall wellbeing of my body, soul and spirit. If I don’t do this – who will? I’m on a love me best journey.

Krystalynn Kiser

I totally get it! We are human and time waits for no one. Enjoy your life Sis. Love the space you are in, and be happy with no regrets. I am inspired by your transparency always!

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