Charis, I noticed that you were all In to support everybody and everyone. You have given and giveth to all who ask out of the goodness and kindness of your heart. I hate to say it, but people are not looking out for your best interest, whether they are spiritual individuals, family, or friends.
You have said that God has blessed you, and He has, He has also blessed you with a great mind. A mind where you can determine who is friend or foe, aware of the vipers that have crept into your Empire and are trying to make their way into your heart. Yes, it is time to say NO! "No, I am not in a place to support you at this time, and I’m not sure when I will be again, yet I appreciate you considering me for the opportunity to help". In other words, the Empire you have built will fall, and those who had their hand out will not be present to help you build it back up. You will look for them, but they will not be there, nowhere to be found.
Someone like you in a position of wealth, said I have two phones, one for my wife, children, and a few good friends and one for those who always have their hands out (even family) asking for this and that, to which I respond, “I’m not in a position to help” after a few replies like that, they stop asking and calling, I just helped them to be independent and find their way.
Charis, You are on the right path, stay there for a good while….No is not a bad word, it is a word needed for survival. A word that You need to survive, and be at peace.
Marie on
Thank you for being Transparent, Honest, and Unapologetic! You just described my life. Where I am right now and how I’m feeling in this moment. I’ve been taking care of others for so long and losing myself in the process. Isn’t it funny, how when we finally decide to change the narrative, people look at us as if we’re the problem?!? Well, honey, No More! I made the decision to invest in me! However and whatever that means without apology or explanation. Thank you again for validating the Fierceness within me! God bless your life and legacy.
Avis Brown on
I get it! As my father in law has ministered to me “Self Care is Not Selfish”. You cannot drink from an empty cup, so do what makes you sing. Release what makes you frown and move in your authentic self, unapologically and without excuses or explanations. No is an ENTIRE sentence. Than you for being so transparent and reminding us of our worth.
Anita Coleman on
LISSSSSEN!!! All of this…. I’m choosing me this time💐
Carlashoun Washington on
I am happy to see that you are doing SELF CARE. Always remember God first you second and everyone else follows. It is okay to say NO and keep moving. Continue to be a blessing to the world of fashion.
Your communication and transparency drew me to this amazing community!! Thank you for sharing, you get us and we get you!!
Anonymous on
Charis, thanks for this transparent message, I can definitely relate. The last few years have be draining, which has cause me to feel depleted, being that people pleaser and trying to help and fix everyone around me. Not taking the time to allow God to pour into this empty vessel. Not listening to my body, since I have lupus and taking care of self should be priority. Lately, I have gradually started to detached from some that drain me, and step back and take a pause break, alone with speaking up letting other’s know, I’m shutting down to work on me. Thank you for your inspirations, and the energy you give us all the time along with the love and passion you pour into what you do.
Latonya Spencer on
Gurrllla ! We need to stop tryna be Jesus and point people to Him. Jesus said to catch the fish, not clean them up ! Sometimes we gotta get out of our own way. We take on far too many “projects” and it’s exhausting. And why do we feel the need to try to save the world? Who told us to do it? What void inside of us makes us feel we need to help everybody but ourselves ? The fact is, we are useless to other’s if we aren’t fulfilled. How can an empty bottle pour our anything ? Ladies it’s time to find our chill and go into a season of rest.
Stacy F on
Charis, CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for the Energy budgeting tips. I completely understand and identify with what you’ve said. I still struggle with “taking care of everyone” as a priority. I didn’t know what to do or where to start until now. Tonight you gave me a new starting point.
Please continue with the Sparkle Party. We all love it because you keep it real. And music and dancing top it off. Keep up the great work, and God Bless you and Your Family.
JoAnne Hayes on
Last year was hectic!
I had taken on two major projects simultaneously ( I had never done that in my 20+ years as a Principal Trainer in the medical industry). My thought was that I had been encouraging others in my devotional videos on Facebook to speak what they desired into existence and to have an expectancy of dreams, and desires spoken in years past to manifest suddenly. My words came true, but it took a toll on me as I traversed three different time zones to fulfill my commitment to the projects.
I was burned out. Last year once everything concluded in November ( not in great fashion mind you) I had to take an honest assessment of my efforts. I had to determine the “Why” and the “What” of taking on these two projects at the same time.
After answering honestly and determining that I opted to spread myself too thin, I took a much-needed rest mentally and physically.
I understand now the importance of being good to myself first, taking the rest I need without feeling guilty for doing so, and understanding that a “good thing” is not always a “God Thing”
Although I am not on Facebook any longer and miss the sisterhood of being in that space, you and all my sisters are forever in my prayers.
I am so grateful for the transparency and encouragement that you share in living your life to the full!
The SJSS Community has been a lifeline to me, more than you know!!!
I look forward to all that God will unfold as you move Forward.
God’s peace and my love and prayers to you and the entire SJSS family!
Gwendolyn D. Hatten-Dillions
Charis, I noticed that you were all In to support everybody and everyone. You have given and giveth to all who ask out of the goodness and kindness of your heart. I hate to say it, but people are not looking out for your best interest, whether they are spiritual individuals, family, or friends.
You have said that God has blessed you, and He has, He has also blessed you with a great mind. A mind where you can determine who is friend or foe, aware of the vipers that have crept into your Empire and are trying to make their way into your heart. Yes, it is time to say NO! "No, I am not in a place to support you at this time, and I’m not sure when I will be again, yet I appreciate you considering me for the opportunity to help". In other words, the Empire you have built will fall, and those who had their hand out will not be present to help you build it back up. You will look for them, but they will not be there, nowhere to be found.
Someone like you in a position of wealth, said I have two phones, one for my wife, children, and a few good friends and one for those who always have their hands out (even family) asking for this and that, to which I respond, “I’m not in a position to help” after a few replies like that, they stop asking and calling, I just helped them to be independent and find their way.
Charis, You are on the right path, stay there for a good while….No is not a bad word, it is a word needed for survival. A word that You need to survive, and be at peace.
Thank you for being Transparent, Honest, and Unapologetic! You just described my life. Where I am right now and how I’m feeling in this moment. I’ve been taking care of others for so long and losing myself in the process. Isn’t it funny, how when we finally decide to change the narrative, people look at us as if we’re the problem?!? Well, honey, No More! I made the decision to invest in me! However and whatever that means without apology or explanation. Thank you again for validating the Fierceness within me! God bless your life and legacy.
I get it! As my father in law has ministered to me “Self Care is Not Selfish”. You cannot drink from an empty cup, so do what makes you sing. Release what makes you frown and move in your authentic self, unapologically and without excuses or explanations. No is an ENTIRE sentence. Than you for being so transparent and reminding us of our worth.
LISSSSSEN!!! All of this…. I’m choosing me this time💐
I am happy to see that you are doing SELF CARE. Always remember God first you second and everyone else follows. It is okay to say NO and keep moving. Continue to be a blessing to the world of fashion.
Your communication and transparency drew me to this amazing community!! Thank you for sharing, you get us and we get you!!
Charis, thanks for this transparent message, I can definitely relate. The last few years have be draining, which has cause me to feel depleted, being that people pleaser and trying to help and fix everyone around me. Not taking the time to allow God to pour into this empty vessel. Not listening to my body, since I have lupus and taking care of self should be priority. Lately, I have gradually started to detached from some that drain me, and step back and take a pause break, alone with speaking up letting other’s know, I’m shutting down to work on me. Thank you for your inspirations, and the energy you give us all the time along with the love and passion you pour into what you do.
Gurrllla ! We need to stop tryna be Jesus and point people to Him. Jesus said to catch the fish, not clean them up ! Sometimes we gotta get out of our own way. We take on far too many “projects” and it’s exhausting. And why do we feel the need to try to save the world? Who told us to do it? What void inside of us makes us feel we need to help everybody but ourselves ? The fact is, we are useless to other’s if we aren’t fulfilled. How can an empty bottle pour our anything ? Ladies it’s time to find our chill and go into a season of rest.
Charis, CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for the Energy budgeting tips. I completely understand and identify with what you’ve said. I still struggle with “taking care of everyone” as a priority. I didn’t know what to do or where to start until now. Tonight you gave me a new starting point.
Please continue with the Sparkle Party. We all love it because you keep it real. And music and dancing top it off. Keep up the great work, and God Bless you and Your Family.
Last year was hectic!
I had taken on two major projects simultaneously ( I had never done that in my 20+ years as a Principal Trainer in the medical industry). My thought was that I had been encouraging others in my devotional videos on Facebook to speak what they desired into existence and to have an expectancy of dreams, and desires spoken in years past to manifest suddenly. My words came true, but it took a toll on me as I traversed three different time zones to fulfill my commitment to the projects.
I was burned out. Last year once everything concluded in November ( not in great fashion mind you) I had to take an honest assessment of my efforts. I had to determine the “Why” and the “What” of taking on these two projects at the same time.
After answering honestly and determining that I opted to spread myself too thin, I took a much-needed rest mentally and physically.
I understand now the importance of being good to myself first, taking the rest I need without feeling guilty for doing so, and understanding that a “good thing” is not always a “God Thing”
Although I am not on Facebook any longer and miss the sisterhood of being in that space, you and all my sisters are forever in my prayers.
I am so grateful for the transparency and encouragement that you share in living your life to the full!
The SJSS Community has been a lifeline to me, more than you know!!!
I look forward to all that God will unfold as you move Forward.
God’s peace and my love and prayers to you and the entire SJSS family!
Gwendolyn D. Hatten-Dillions