Give up Control

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  • Sometimes we have to take our hands off and raise our hands up. In times past I was a task orientated individual and hated not being in control, because I didn’t like the feeling of being vulnerable. Or as we say in the urban setting “Being played” . But I’ve learned now to pray and ask God to give me the wisdom to create two lists #1 Prayer List: Things I have no control over. #2 My List: Things I will work on.

    Carolyn Harris on
  • Sometimes, I do feel out of control just as I did about a month ago when I thought I may become houseless again…but GOD!🙌🏽
    So, I pray, pray, pray…and I pray some mo!🙏🏽
    I know I deal with control issues because I’ve had to be the one in charge for so long that it’s hard to place that responsibility into anyone else’s hand but God’s!!! 🙌🏽❤️

    Dedra on
  • Yes, most of my life I’ve had to deal with control. Control if used positively is beneficial. When control becomes over bearing or you lose control that’s when it’s a problem. The most recent example is when my husband became ill, it was overwhelming and stressful. I found myself losing control. Me finding myself in this place was out of fear, the unknown, and not being able to control or change the situation, especially me being in the Healthcare industry for many years. Over the years when finding myself in this place I’ve learned to pray. Praying brings a tranquility in my spirit. Pray allows me to relinquish my control into HIS hands, because I know HE got me. GOD is not the Author of confusion. Once I relinquish the control back to HIM, I find a peace that surpasses all understanding. Now when awakening every morning I take it to GOD first so he can direct my footsteps.

    AngeIa W on
  • Yes, yes and yes. I think control can be a great thing -i.e. self-control when I’m tempted to do or have something I should not have lol However, often times if I want or need more control than what I should have or over something that is not in my power it can cause me to feel overwhelmed and anxious. At that point I have to put my full trust and reliance in Jehovah God and remember that man cannot even direct his own step (Jer. 10:23)

    Lexy on
  • Well, where should I start 🤔, 2018 got great news I was going to college moving to Texas. Then my brother got sick in May of 2019 and passed away well I moved, husband back here in GA holding things down carving time out for each other and then in 2020 never will forget, on a plane that was the last out of Bogota Colombia on a college missionary trip, going straight to Ga for family time I was excited 😊, my husband had is routine checkup so we thought, back in Texas, focusing on final exams this week, studying and papers to write me I got this not bragging but A’s and few B’s . Never in a million would I have thought my husband would be calling me three way with medical personnel saying he has to get to Northside before 5 pm, but I am trying to explain where I am and at the same time asking why ( Lukemia) and his white/ red blood count was extremely low, I have always been able to handle the medical are emergency situations that came up but now I am feeling helpless not a trait I adapt to willingly. Fast forward Covid driving 50 miles each way for 2 years, yes graduated but not what was planned Covid changed all that , no celebration just fighting for my husband to receive the care that I was told he would receive, at times wanting to cuss get physical but remembering my call has a Minister on my life, but remembering it’s about my husband’s health getting him moved to Emory and getting his health on track. I can now remodel my home, doing it myself which I wanted to do but it seems we are running into things that is out my reach, so after quotes over the phone then they show up it’s a different price and I am saying Lord how much can I stand, but then realizing I have my husband and knowing the remodeling isn’t going has planned but I will figure it out maybe not today are next week but I know the strength that runs through me and the grace of peace that is mine when I take hold of it. Yes at times the storms come back to back but the sun shines in-between the dark clouds and they don’t last long. Plus getting my Sassy things and getting dressed up are dressing down for everyday reminds me of God’s promises, dreams do come true just keep moving forward. Thank You Charis Jones for creating such beauty, in a world that sometimes colors are gray. Love You SJSS family to Life.

    Anonymous on
  • I will admit that I am a bit of a control person. I like order and things to run smoothly. However, as I matured in life that I cannot always be in control. It causes more stress and drains one’s strength. Therefore, I learned to drop everything in GOD’S hands and sought after HIS divine answers. I have learned to step away from pressing situations and people. I will take mental days from work when things become too hectic in interfering with my peace. So I used the weapons of prayer, fasting, and reading GOD’S Word. Seeking out places near water comforts and calm my spirit and resets me. I know that I can go to GOD’S secret place to rest, refresh, and recharge. I am assured that GOD’S has plans perfectly designed for me.

    Veronica E Young on
  • CONTROL: That too Was a biggie for me, and I say was because it went out the window, down the street and into the stratosphere for me when my only child passed away. It let me know that I controlled Absolutely Nothing! The harder I looked for grief, pain and loss All I could find was JOY unspeakable Joy! It made no sense but God let me know He was STILL IN CONTROL! And I gladly relinquished it! And since then I have felt nothing but FREEDOM!

    Leighton Palamore on
  • Oh man … control is such a difficult thing when you have a type A personality. Most of my life I’ve struggled dealing with control issues. Only one thing has helped me get a grip … God. Every time I think I needed to be in complete control, the Lord reminds me that He is in control. As soon as I let go, He releases the blessings I thought I could bring upon myself. Jeremiah 29:11 quickly became the reminder I needed. There is a plan, He knows the plan and no matter what … His plan is the best. It’s better if I release my pride and let Him do the controlling. ❤️

    Jessica Leer on
  • Absolutely have control issues! Both hands raised! But I always get a kick out of how God let’s me think I’m controlling something and then before it gets too far out of hand He says”Come on baby girl, let me help you to see that you aren’t in control of anything. And let me show you before you hurt yourself and the people around you. For me, my control issues come from not growing up with my dad and needing to feel accepted. So if I can be the smartest, most helpful, most thoughtful, hardest working, etc…then I’ll be accepted and controlling that environment feels safe. It has not been until about 7 years ago at almost 50 years old that I have been able to surrender that need for acceptance and live in my truth. Not having to control everything has brought a freedom that is unexplainable. I love the confidence of being free.

    Latonja on
  • SJSS…. Ok. Control, order, controlled chaos. I get you sis. One thing I have learned in life is that you can only do what you can do when you can do it. I have learned that trying to control everything outside of myself is going to lead me into chaos. What do I do? First thing is to breathe. Secondly, I ask the question, “What can I do at this moment that is not going to stress me out?0 if any slightest thought is stressful, I’m not doing it. All things are working together for my good and somethings are there to teach me patience. Let patience have her perfecting work so that she can mature me so I don’t spiral out of control. Charis, everything you need will be delivered at its appropriate time. Stop, breathe, meditate, and it will all work itself out. God always has a solution for our problems. Blessings to you and the family. Congratulations on your new home.

    Cheryl Bass on

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