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How I Found My Calling - Sassy Jones

How I Found My Calling

Por Chrisma Luster

I’ve always said that one of the easiest ways to identify your calling is by identifying your purposeful bliss.

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Celebrating Women's History Month - Sassy Jones

Celebrating Women's History Month

Por Charis Jones

Sassy Jones celebrates the wondrous strides that Women have taken since the beginning of time.

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Let it go, so you can let it flow. - Sassy Jones

Let it go, so you can let it flow.

Por Charis Jones

Hey Sassy Nation! A new year usually brings in new goals, new perspective and new energy, I’m the exact same way. In many ways a new...

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Sassy Lifestyle: Declutter but Make It Fashion - Sassy Jones

Sassy Lifestyle: Declutter but Make It Fashion

Por Charis Jones

As the new year approaches, sis we gotta get rid of some ish. Decluttering is not only a verb relating to your physical space but...

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CEO at Work - Sassy Jones

CEO at Work

Por Charis Jones

One of the questions that I get most is, "So what do you do all day anyway?" I always chuckle because it's actually pretty hard...

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